BSEC Derivatives is a member of the JSE and was founded in 2008. We offer brokering, research and management services on the commodity, currency, and equity derivatives markets of the JSE.
One of our key strengths is to offer large scale brokering and execution services for corporate clients on the derivatives markets as well as online trading services for smaller clients and speculators. We are under the top ten brokering companies on the JSE in terms of volume on the equity and currency derivatives markets. BSEC has a large local and international institutional client base that offers access to significant market liquidity.
We have exceptional experience in building and managing advanced option structures for clients to optimally hedge their currency, commodity, and equity price exposure. Our main clients are agricultural and food producers, commodity trading companies, exporters, and importers as well as banks, hedge funds and large financial services companies.
As a member of the JSE integrity is a founding pillar of BSEC and we have the client’s best interest at heart. As a member of the JSE we are strictly regulated by the rules and regulations of the exchange. Our ethos is to understand the client’s financial objective based on their needs and goals. We believe in maintaining good client relationships and strive to build tailormade solutions and strategies for our clients.